Surgeons are undoubtedly among the most highly paid-medical professionals. Surgeons make up the majority of the top five highest-paid doctor specialties in many countries.
Let's look at the online data and find out which surgeon makes the most money. The numbers can vary depending on where they are sourced, as you'll see.
Annual salary reports are created by organizations that use their own methods of obtaining and classifying this data. This is why there is a difference.
According to the Medical Group Management Association, the top 10 most highly-paid doctor specialties are:
2019 MGMA analyzed data coming from over 6000 organizations and 160,000 doctors.
How Much do Surgeons Earn?
10. General surgery
General surgeons can perform many procedures including common issues like appendicitis and hernias.
General surgeons are the first step in any type of surgery. This report shows that the average general surgeon salary in this country is $370,000.
9. Orthopedic Surgeon
This report has lower numbers than the previous one. Medscape estimates that the average annual salary for orthopedic surgeons in the United States is $510,000
8. Plastic Surgeon
The average annual salary for plastic surgery is $526,000.
It is interesting to note that in 2020, plastic surgeons saw an average increase in their salaries of 10% despite not having as much work in previous years. Elective surgeries were almost non-existent during the pandemic.
7. Vascular Surgeon – $534,508
Vascular surgeons are trained to treat all types of vein diseases. They don't tend to focus on the veins or arteries in the brain and heart.
The vascular surgeon profession is also highly-paid. On average, a vascular surgeon earns $534,508.
Vascular surgery involves restoring blood flow to the body.
This may include angioplasty, which involves opening blocked blood vessels or removing plaque from the diseased veins.
Specialists in vascular procedures are also available. The pay scale for surgeons varies depending on their specialty and skill level.
To become a vascular surgeon, you will need to complete 5 years of general surgical training and 2 years of vascular surgery training after graduation. which surgeon makes the most money?
6. Thoracic surgeon – $ 668 350
Terms such as cardiothoracic, thoracic, or thoracic surgery are operations that involve the chest. It is one of the most highly-paid specialties. The highest-earning surgeons in the USA are $563,076.
The average salary for a thoracic surgeon in the USA is between $407,577 and $5563,076. This profession can bring in around $ 668350 per year in Switzerland.
Worldwide, there is a great demand for thoracic surgery. Specialists in thoracic surgery are those who treat the trachea, heart, esophagus, and lungs.
To become a thoracic surgery candidate, you will need a 4-year UG degree and a four-year medical degree.
A thoracic surgeon is a highly-paid job in the USA. This is why this profession offers the highest earning opportunities.
5. Orthopedic surgeon for hip and joints - 756,000
Orthopedic surgeons are specialists in hip and knee replacements. They mostly work with older patients.
They are also required to be available in the event of an accident and work more than 60 hours per week.
After you have graduated from medical school, you must be able to work as an orthopedic surgeon for at least 6-7 years. This includes at least 5 years of fellowship and residency.
Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2021
This report lists several surgical specialties as the most lucrative medical jobs in America.
4. Cardiovascular surgery – $795,000
Cardiac surgery is a high-stakes job since you are dealing with the heart. Although the work is varied, some cardiac surgeons have to do long, sometimes up to 12-hour operations.
To become a cardiology surgeon, you will need to be able to work for up to 80 hours per week after you have completed your med school.
3. Pediatric neurosurgeon - $818,000
Third, there are pediatric neurosurgeons who treat spinal deformities and tumors in children.
This is different from regular neurosurgery because a child's anatomy and physiology may be different than an adult's. To become a pediatric neurosurgeon, one must complete 7 years of residency followed by 1-3 years of sports fellowship.
2. Orthopedic surgeon for spine - $835,000
One of the most highly-paid doctors worldwide is an orthopedic surgeon. They treat injuries and diseases of musculoskeletal systems.
Every major sports team in America and Europe have sports at least one specialist available and they are paid millions of dollars each year.
Spinal orthopedic surgeons are focused on diagnosing spinal problems and treating muscles like scoliosis. which surgeon makes the most money?
1. Neurosurgeon - $875,000
With an average salary of just over 1 million USD, neurosurgeons are the most highly paid surgeons on this roster.
This is a well-deserved salary considering the years it takes to become a neurosurgeon and the amount of work they have to do.
According to different sources, plastic, neurologic, and orthopedic surgery are the most highly paid fields in America.